My trip to Annapolis/DC/Columbia in list form:
- panic driving around the little streets and worrying about parallel parking on a busy Saturday (but it all turned out perfectly. which was actually true for the whole days events)
- but Annapolis is the most adorable place I've seen in the States
- I learned what midshipmen are and how to spot a johnny
- Abigail lives right next to everything. no driving required, yay!
- we went on the Harbor Queen boat tour
- and ate our crepes & coffee
- and made it to Georgetown to visit John for an hour and give him things and walk along the river
- I like to pretend I kind of run Gtown when I am there.
- Abigail made some interesting driving choices
- concert time!
- surprise we had actual seats not general lawn seating!
- Colbie Callait and Jason Mraz
- It was awesome.
- most memorable line from
a song: "I'm gonna make you a momma too." teehee
Mraz had long hair and skinny pants and a bandanna and we weren't sure of his new look
- but we loved his new music so it's all good.
- Remember that time we saw Mraz for free at Pitt before I went there and we were front row and he
winked and eyebrow raised at me (at 1:19 before the big shriek yep) and I said hi side stage and he said hi back. and then Kyle and I officially started dating a couple days later.
- even though I woke up at 5:30 that morning, after the concert ended we drove back to Annapolis and met up with some folks and went out
- to a place called Pussers which is the weirdest club/bar I've ever seen. frat house meets hotel meets dance club meets four different wedding after parties meets some old guys meets Navy sirs and skanky ladies looking to marry Navy sirs meets right by the harbor meets disappointed Sarah because nobody fell in the water.
- random twelve year old British boy asking for directions to said club/bar
- chat with husband late at night when I was so drunktired (I only had 1/4 of a very gross drink but I had been up for 21 hours and was so tired it was like I was kind of drunk) and being a bit sad and husband was such a good husband from oh so far away telling me I'm pretty
- the Grim family has the most adorable house, by the way
- and dog, Bonnie I used to hike with sometimes, and lion kitty
- Abigail guided me around Navy campus/grounds. and I thought Georgetown had nice dorms.
- went to a shop and got some drinks and little things and tasted some beers
- Kyle would have loved it (BEER) so I took pictures of beer and wine bottles for you husband
- I even brought home 2 bottles of wine. two!
- nice lunch at home with the Grims
- dessert at Galway Bay pub
Thanks for such a great weekend, Abigail and Grim family! I hope to visit again before too long.
- Mrs. M