I took the kittens in this morning for their respective spaying/neutering surgeries. The vet said it all went well, and I was able to pick them up earlier than I expected this afternoon. They came home and were pretty groggy still, trying to fight the anesthesia to stay awake. They also got a complimentary nail clipping, and now Darwin is pawing at everything. Huxley had some issues with excessively licking the surgery site, so I had to put the dreaded cone on him. I put it off as long as possible, but he was going under the bed and couch to hide away. He hasn't had it on for too long so far, so he's still running into things and getting used to it. Hopefully he won't need it on for very long, though it is kind of amusing. Poor guy! Good news is they should be all done with trips to the vet for the next year!
- From the desk of Mrs. Sarah McPherson
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Ohhhhhh they are big enough for the collars!