

Why I Love My Husband

Posted on: Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You know when you're really in love and you get that gushy feeling where you want to just tell the world about how great it is? I've been having that feeling a lot lately, and as much as I don't want to sound like a love-sick lady, I am really fond of my husband and I don't care who knows it!
My boys

The thing about Kyle is that probably everyone reading this, at least everyone who knows him, probably doesn't need me to tell them how awesome he is. He's easy to like and fun to be around. There are a couple things that really drew me to him to begin with, way back in high school, aside from his noteworthy hugs and being super cute. He is a really good person to talk to; he listens and responds thoughtfully. What made him particularly stand out was that he was really the first friend I had to challenge me, just by being himself. He just knew things and was so smart and confident that I felt that I had to, and wanted to step up my game to be on the same level as him. Not in a -I need to change and be better to be friends with him- way, but in a - wow, it's fun having intense intellectual conversations with a friend and not just being silly all the time - kinda way. Don't get me wrong, Kyle can be very silly. I just never had met anyone like him before and what I remember most from first knowing him are those inspiring, exciting feelings of admiration. He introduced a new kind of friendship. Never ever would I have thought back then that we'd end up married and where we are now (though I think I would have been quite ok with that outlook).

Kyle is creative, kind, adventurous, and full of life. He is a philosopher, outdoorsman, and not good at basketball. His handwriting is odd and recognizable, he looks good in hats, and sometimes he sports a mustache. I think he is true to himself. He has the best and most genuine laugh, expressive eyebrows, and sometimes is a pale pale ghost (but not so much anymore). He'll tell you when you've said something stupid, and admire you for your intelligence. He is resourceful, funny, very handsome, and introduced me to the Penguins (thank you!). He is a very good teacher, boyfriend, husband, and best friend. He has made me very mad a few times, sad a few more times, and happy all the time. He is going to make us an awesome porch (complete with fire pit and strands of lights) and make sure we go hiking as often as possible, cook together, and raise some extremely bright and quirky children.

Kyle makes me a better myself than I would be without him, he always has since tenth grade. He still does and I can't imagine a time when he won't. He is supportive in the best possible way- positive, accepting, realistic, not afraid to give compliments and constructive criticism. He cheers me up and calms me down. There are several books and articles I wouldn't have read, things I wouldn't have ever thought about, random facts I wouldn't have known and forgot, adventures I wouldn't have been on, and confidence I wouldn't have if it weren't for him. I am so proud of him and so excited for our future together!

Well, of course those aren't all the reasons, but I suppose I should save some lovey-dovey ramblings for our vow renewals next year, huh?

- From the desk of the very happy to be Mrs. Sarah McPherson


  1. Nail on head. He's a lucky man to have such a lovely wife who recognizes and appreciates all these qualities.


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