So, I'm quite enjoying winter break so far! The end of the semester was oddly anti-climactic and just kind of faded out, so it took a while for everything to be wrapped up and done for good. But it has been over a week now since I didn't have finals, and it has been nice being able to relax and not commute every day or wake up to 21 class-related emails. I've been hanging with the pup, watching a lot of Netflix, going on walks, getting ready for Christmas, hanging out with the husband, lunches with friends, and working on a couple things. We're not traveling or anything for the holidays, so a central Texas Christmas it is! School starts January 6th (this semester is 32-35 hours a week at internship, with internship seminar and research seminar classes, and then internship ends on April 18th and we just have our colloquium class and prepping for that presentation) and graduation May 16/17! It's a rainy, stormy day, so maybe I will work on filling in my 2014 planner (always a much looked-forward to task at the end of every year). Happy Solstice! :)
- From the desk of Mrs. M
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