Saturday, April 6, 2013

Wish List: Travel Tech

On my trip to Boston, my iPhone 4s ran out of battery for the first time ever, more than once. I was taking a lot of pictures with it all day long, so that just about did it. I'm heading to DC in May for another trip, and I've been looking into making some tech purchases that better accommodate travel, as well as my busy school/work/internship schedule that demands I be away from home for sometimes twelve hours. Also, I like shiny new toys. :)
So there's a battery case, and an external battery plug in. I'm leaning towards the external, as it has more power, and could be used for other tech items. Which brings me to the iPad. I didn't think I would ever want or need one, but now I do. I thought my laptop I got last Christmas (2011) was so light and small compared to the one I had previously, but now that I've been carrying it every day to school, work and internship, it is certainly not light. Also, the battery is horrible and lasts maybe an hour and a half, so the power cord also has to come with me. For travel, such as on my Boston trip, a laptop is just not very convenient. Again, it's heavy, and it takes up too much space when luggage is limited. An iPad would fit comfortably in a "personal item" bag (my purse), and could be brought around town as well. The aim is not to be completely wired in at all times, but it is important to me to have access for communicating with my (likely soon to deploy) husband and being able to work on some things on the go.

Mophie Juice Pack Plus and Rechargeable Battery (or less expensive version)
Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation External Battery

I will for sure get an extra battery, I'm just deciding if I want to will take the plunge further into Apple heaven (hell?) and get the iPad. Any input from current users? GB size I should get? Suggestions for a good case if/when I do make the purchase? The tech world is abuzz with talk of a new iPad being released this month, so I'll wait and see what happens.

- From the desk of Mrs. M


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