Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Baked Lemon Pasta

I mentioned before that we just discovered The Pioneer Woman and her delicious looking meals, and for dinner tonight I tried one! It was warm today, about 80 degrees out. That's about as warm as I ever want it to be, but it is Texas, and I know that is nothing but a depressing preview (I mean 80 in February?) of what is to come in a couple short months. Luckily this meal, though a baked pasta, is quite a cool refreshing pasta,  thanks to the abundance of lemon. It was really tasty, and quick and easy to make. Honestly though, while I was making this I felt like a much more impressive cook than I am; I think it is because of the use of lemon zest and fresh parsley, things I've not cooked with before. I was zesting (a word? not a word?) a lemon thinking, "Wow this is fancy!" Anyway, Kyle and I agreed it'd make a good side dish in the future, definitely something to make again. You can find the recipe here (which I cut in half for the two of us, with leftovers remaining).

PS- I also used angel hair; I much prefer it to regular or even thin spaghetti.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how this would taste with spaghetti squash.... yum!!
