Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Social: Reintroduction

I haven't blogged in some days, though I do have some posts planned, so I thought I'd join this linkup today!

What is the name of your blog? How long have you been blogging?
My blog is called From the Desk, because after I got married my friends gave me custom notepads that said "From the desk of Mrs. Sarah McPherson" on the top; it was the first time I saw my new name in use. I have been blogging since April 2011; I was inspired to start after my husband had a blog for a few months!

Why do you blog?
I like to take pictures and I like to share about my life (though I don't claim it is super exciting or anything; follow on your own accord). I am very secluded and far from any good friends, so blogging helps to share goings-on with friends and family, and gives mean outlet to write whatever I want.

What is the first blog you ever followed?
It was a while after I started blogging that I was made aware of the whole blogging world, actually. I think my sister introduced me to Cupcakes and Cashmere as I was planning a wedding and so was Emily (among other things).

What is your favorite blog post you wrote in 2012?
Umm. I didn't have anything that jumped out without me having to go through and remember what all I wrote (actually my favorite posts were from when Kyle got back from deployment and we had our first Christmas together, but I always seem to forget that was December 2011, no longer last year). I guess I'll say: What I Learned From Deployment. As it's looking like we will be gearing up for another one this summer. Oy.

What are your blogging goals for 2013?
Uh. I don't really have any? I have a vague idea to write a post each week about something social work related, even if it's just an excerpt from a class reading or a rambling post on my thoughts about the state of mental health care. I guess that's as close to a "goal" as I have for this thing.

Top 3 Favorite blogs to follow?
Rebekka Seale (formerly, Dear Friend)

My husband (Seek Arete)- he doesn't post often, but it's cute when he does!

Studio DIY- I went to undergrad with Kelly's boyfriend, and she has a wonderfully crafty site! 

- From the desk of Mrs. M


  1. I'm so glad you don't have any concrete blogger goals too! It was definitely one of those "um, seriously?" questions! ;)

    Happy Sunday Sarah!

  2. I don't make any overly concrete goals either! I don't like to set myself up to fail! LOL.

    Stopping by from Sunday Social!!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  3. Stopping by from the link up:) I'm your newest follower!

    Shelby xoxo
