Monday, December 31, 2012

week in photos

The rest of the holidays in PA and our return to Texas...
Christmas nails/ sink obsessed/ gift wrap/ nap by the tree
my best wrapped gift, for my brother/ advent/ stuffing/ jolly
Austrian drink/ midnight on Christmas/ Christmas eve meal/ playing with kitties
Toms/ Lego architecture/ fruit cake/ Christmas snow
watch!/ appropriate footwear/ drive to Pittsburgh/ in-laws tree
Christmas day travels/ Kyle, his brothers and cousins/ Pittsburgh tree/ morning at Ome's
snow storm- Pittsburgh/  Snuggie action/ Snow storm- State College
morning shoveling/ John's birthday/ Canadian's pup/ coffee with Abigail
snowy Starbucks/ comfy Toms/ hux in a bag/ Dar watching a toy helicopter
lots of Indian food/ Sheridyn and Bear/ fun hat/ flakie
wine/ Herwigs/ holiday Georgetown Cupcakes/ yum 
 movie night/ rest stop in VA/ hotel breakfast/ traveling darwin
Mississippi river/ Hux traveling/ late lunch/ home!
Finnish mits/ swatch/ Mr. Nutcracker/ movies!

- From the desk of Mrs. M

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