Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Week in Photos

Mexican with sister/ sister brought cupcakes/ pop of green/ new bag for $10 #illtakeit
Hux/ Sister eating a burger/ new color I really like/ heart kitties
mini tree/ Sewer in a field/ nail color on/ dinner in Austin with sister's friend
cat's wouldn't leave the tree alone/ parade/ penguins/ brother+sister
Thanksgiving Day- Fort Hood ran out of turkey, wtf. but my husband is super handsome! 
Huxley/ yum/ neon/ mail
where hungry dorks go to eat lunch/ hubs and his Hobbit meal/ the rest of the semester fits on one post-it!/ Hux watching Jurassic Park II :)
baked cookies, decorated tree, tea and cookie, dinner
Christmas decor, spaghetti sauce, D on the door

- Mrs. M

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