Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pretty Bike and Nice Weather

All through Kyle's growing interest and desire to get a motorcycle, I was quite unsure and worried. But I have to admit, it is pretty cool, and he couldn't have found a more perfect bike. It just suits him (and us, really) so well, the color and style. I'm really glad that he found something so perfect for him, and right at the perfect time too. It is a very pretty bike. He rode it to and from work for the first time on Friday, and parked right in front of the house when he got back, so I took some more pictures.

We haven't made much progress on finding me a jacket yet, and we haven't bought boots yet, but once we have all my protective gear, I'll be excited to take a ride on the bike. :) The weather was beautiful this weekend and I wished we could go on a ride together. Kyle taught me how to start it up, and I've been learning a little bit about motorcycles here and there (hard not to, as that is what he talks about most of the time). Kyle not-so-secretly wishes for me to learn to ride and wants to buy me a bike too. Uhm...

But for now, Kyle will be the one doing all the riding.

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