Monday, March 26, 2012

Hunger Games and Blueberry Muffins

During our grocery shopping trip on Sunday I picked up The Hunger Games. I'm definitely late to the party; I don't think I had even heard of it before I first saw a trailer for the movie a month ago. But the premise is very interesting to me, and I enjoy a good, quick read (especially good for passing time at the laundromat). By the end of the day Sunday I was over 3/4 of the way finished, and read the rest this morning. I don't yet know if I think it's especially good or if the story is just so far from an imaginable reality that it is captivating everyone (myself included).  Either way I might have to go out and get the next two tonight after Kyle gets home (and wait a long while before seeing the movie). I did pause from reading for dinner yesterday, and to make some blueberry muffins. A worthwhile break!

PS- I've recently entered into the blogger button swap world, so if you'd like to swap buttons, and maybe have a little introduction post later in April, please let me know! :)


  1. Your muffins look DELICIOUSLY AMAZING! haha! I've been wanting to read the Hunger Games AND The Help, what do you think of The Help, or have you started? My Mother in Law is reading it right now and says she's having a hard time following it because of the dialogue.

    Happy Monday!

    I grabbed your button a while ago when we got matched up for the swap ;-)

    1. haha same! I just picked up The Help too as I saw it and remembered I wanted to read it as well :) I think I'll have to tackle that when I finish the next two in the HG trilogy. Which could potentially just be in a couple days!

  2. Oh my gosh, I think I may be the only one left that hasnt read The Hunger Games lol. I have it on the my Nook but just havent gotten around to it & now I'm thinking I'll watch the movie first. And like Caty, I too think that your muffins look absolutely amazing! Bravo.

    Now I'm off to attempt that recipe :)

  3. hahaha, I don't even know where it came from! I swear I never even heard of it until I saw a movie trailer a month before it came out, and I thought "that's weird I'm just now seeing a trailer for a movie that will be out in a month. Usually they start that much earlier!"
    I obviously missed something somewhere, big time. :) But it's a fun read!
