Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Read All About It

My favorite author is Bill Bryson. I first discovered him during my Obsessed with Australia phase in high school, when I found his book "In A Sunburned Country" on one of the Barnes & Noble travel shelves. Now I've got a whole shelf dedicated to his books (plus LOTR and a little Hemingway; keeping good company), and even two copies of one. In 11th grade English class I led a lesson about him and his writing. Bryson writes about travel, science, language, and his own childhood. He is hilarious, especially his traveling stories. He has a new book called "At Home" that I'm going to order, perhaps on husband's kindle.

My three favorites:
I have read this one several times. He went a lot places I did on Euro Tour (Parts I and II), and I brought it along and read about the places I'd soon be visiting. He even went to a place in Finland called Muonio, way way up in Lapland, where I also visited!

I suggest you make a cup of tea and settle in to read one of these.

- From the desk of Mrs. M

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