Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lately, in a Little More Detail

Hi peeps! Here is what is going on. Kyle will be back sometime sooner rather than later, because apparently when Obama said all troops would be home from Iraq for the holidays, he actually meant it. This is six or so months earlier than we planned for, so as you can imagine, combine that with the short notice and not knowing any specific dates yet, life is in a bit of a chaotic state. Luckily he has some internet access, so we can communicate to figure out plans and what is the best way to go about moving and everything. The Army only seems to help you if you do things exactly as they want you to do them and when they want you to do them, so it looks like we won't get any help from them directly. But the plan I came up with is: we get movers to take our stuff down (because there is no way I can drive a big truck down to Texas by myself) and keep it stored, while I drive down in our car with the kittens (oh they will loooove it/me), stay at a hotel place while starting to look for a house for us to live in and a job for me. It sounds like Kyle won't get leave until January, so I guess we would fly back to PA then. That way our stuff will get down there, I won't have to drive to Texas twice in the same month, I can give my current employers an exact date for my last day, I don't have to move all our things twice, we can pick a date now and break the lease and hope someone takes it over for the start of the new semester, I can get started looking for a place for us and new job, and I can hopefully be down there for when Kyle returns. The downside is I will be down there by myself for potentially weeks and won't be anywhere near home or family for Christmas. I think the pros of this plan outweigh the cons, though, especially considering the alternative plans require a lot more work and waiting and driving to Texas multiple times. And So, if this plan is going to happen, I'll be moving to Texas in four weeks. Pretty crazy!

I'm nervous and a bit scared of the Fort Hood area, but I think it will be pretty cool to be starting a new life with my new husband (FINALLY!) in a new part of the country for the New Year.

Other than all that business, what is going on lately? Just working working working! In the 24 hours of Thanksgiving day, I will not be at work for only 4 of those hours. I am also working on applying to grad school, and hope to have that done before the move. There are also probably some wedding things I should accomplish while still living in the state; wedding planning from Texas won't be the easiest I imagine, but husband will be back to help me! I should probably also do all the Christmas shopping... And start packing things... Here are some pictures of the cats since it is Saturday!

- From the desk of Mrs. M

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