Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Burning House

Husband has been known to send me a link or two or ten in just one conversation. Sometimes they are relevant, sometimes I understand them, sometimes I start to get frustrated when I have no clue why he is sending me them and wish he would just use his words to tell me things. But the other day he sent me a winner! The Burning House. People can submit a snapshot and accompanying list of what they would grab if their house was on fire. What a neat little idea of a quick look into what someone values the most (within reason for carrying out of an on-fire abode). I feel like there should be a nifty anthropological term for it, or a whole field of emergency anthropology or something - a look at how people across time and continents react in the event of an emergency. I of course had questions on whether there was a time limit that you have to gather said items in a scenario, or a limit to how much you could carry, but it seems to be open to interpretation. There are people all over the world submitting, all ages (parents sometimes submit for two year olds). Here's a look at a few...

I've been thinking of creating my own burning house snapshot to submit, thinking about what I would bring, though I don't think I could get the kittens to sit still for a picture. Perhaps I could place things around them as they sleep, or put them in their carrier. What would you take with you?

I also had a whisper of an idea a while ago that there should be a blog called A Day in the Life (or something less obvious), where each day there's a post from someone somewhere, going through their day hour by hour or with each change in scenery, with a picture to go along, just saying what they were up to through the day. Does such a thing already exist? There is a lot of psychology in my life and so I think this is all just the anthropologist in me looking for some attention.

On a side note, my friend Allie just started her study abroad adventures in Florence, Italy, and is going to be blogging about it! So if you need someone to live vicariously through while you're stuck doing the same old same old,  you should check out her blog. Also, welcome to The Funky Junkie, a fellow State High grad and newlywed who just moved her blog over to blogger!

- From the desk of Mrs. M

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