Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rain Rain Don't go Away, it's ok with Me if You Stay

A survey of sorts for you this rainy Sunday.

10 Years Ago...
2001. I had just turned 13. My family had just recently moved to PA. Mom, John, Isaac and I flew, and Dad and Erica drove with the cat and bunny. PA was a very different place from CA. Our neighborhood was really weird and we didn't believe people lived in the houses because we never saw anyone (we were used to lots of neighborhood children always out and about). Other strange things: no fences around the houses, the houses themselves, trees, individual mailboxes, taking a bus to school, the layout of the town, everything Penn State, basements, the lack of good movie theaters, the abundance of roadkill. 

5 Years Ago...
2006. I was 18. I had arrived in Finland not too long ago. It was awesome. It was somehow much much less strange a transition than the move to PA was. 

5 things on my to do list...
- find a rental company, caterer, and photographer. Maybe also flower person. Maybe also other things.
- clean the apartment
- study
- put my mail in the mailbox
- worry less. not panic. aah. 

5 snacks I enjoy...
- fruit
- popcorn
- trail mix
- wheat thins
- frozen yogurt with fruit (I don't remember the last time I had it though. over a year ago? I want some now) 

5 favorite things...
- chatting with husband
- chai, iced or hot
- when TV shows start back up in the fall
- rainy days
- getting mail

5 least favorite things...
- humidity
- gum chewing
- headaches
- Penn State students
- witnessing terrible parenting in airports

5 places I have lived...
- Toronto, Canada
- Tracy, California
- Turku, Finland
- Washington, DC
- Pittsburgh, PA

5 things most people don't know about me...
- I did a lot of theater back in California. More specifically, acting.
- My ethnicity. People who don't know me can't quite figure it out. I've gotten: Indian, Hawaiian, Black, Latina, "some sort of Asian"... yep.
- The first time I got really mad at Kyle was in 12th grade when he crawled across the back of the stage during the show I was stage managing. 
- I've been keeping all my movie ticket stubs since 2001. I think the first one is from A Knight's Tale back in Tracy
- Speaking of which, my favorite actor is Paul Bettany. I don't really have an explanation for it. 

- From the desk of Mrs. Sarah McPherson

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Pirates of Penzance. I ruined my belt on that adventure.
