Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer Favorites

Summer months are not my favorite. I don't much enjoy the heat and humidity, but in the last couple years I have come to appreciate it a little bit more. Still, fall is my favorite, so I tend to look forward to that through the season. Since summer comes around once a year however, and has an extended stay in Texas (grumble), it's time to focus on the few things I do enjoy that are not limited to, but more summer-specific than other seasons. Here are some of those things!

I never feel like eating much in the summer, but I always crave fruit. It's cool, light and refreshing. Add it to a salad, put some in a glass of wine, or eat on its own.

Would it be weird to serve popsicles at our wedding cocktail hour? I love popsicles, even in the winter, but of course in the summer heat they are an especially nice cool treat. They're fun, you can make them easily yourself from your favorite fruits and drinks, and-when you go the store bought route- how about those popsicle stick jokes, eh? What do whales spread on their toast? Jellyfish.

DIY Root Beer Float and Watermelon Lime popsicles from Cupcakes and Cashmere

Flip flops
Flip flops are not for everyone. They are not for Kyle (he doesn't know how to walk in them), for example. But they are for me! I like being as close to barefoot as possible, and as soon as it starts to get warm out, my feet get really excited to be out of boots and winter socks. There are all kinds of flip flops out there these days, but I always come back to a simple $1-$5 pair from Old Navy to show off some freshly painted toes.

Summer Nights
Once it starts to cool off at the end of the day, summer can be quite enjoyable. You can stay outside late and just enjoy the summer sounds with a cold drink. Kyle and I like to talk about our future porch at our future house when our future selves will be in the same place and able to enjoy such summer things together.

Being Near Water
Summer is better when you spend some time on the beach, or at a lake. I, however, haven't been to a beach since Italy in 2007, and I've been in a lake once since leaving Finland in the same year. Pools are ok too (outdoors), but I hate public pools, and haven't even owned a swimsuit in years. But from what I remember, swimming is fun and going to the beach is something people like to do in the summer. The heat is much more bearable with nice surroundings and an obvious opportunity to cool off right in front of you.

My Birthday
I used to really like my birthday, but for the last several years I've not cared for it at all and spent it voluntarily working especially long days. But I am making an effort to change my view and enjoy it. I'll be 23 in just over a week! And Kyle will be as well just three weeks later! We're old... Shout out to those of you who have summer birthdays too!

- From the desk of Mrs. Sarah McPherson

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