Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Everybody Dance

Luckily the dancing part of the evening did not require such prompting to get things going. I had no idea if people would be into dancing and hit the floor, but my worrying was for naught (and I imagine the open and very well stocked bar helped). We had a whole section of the farm (right next to the bar and DJ) for dancing, and the floor was filled with people from dinner to the end of the night. And man do we have some great dancers for friends! My littlest cousin, Sheridyn, was definitely the queen of the dance floor- she was dancing non stop through the evening, leading dances, initiating dance-offs, and dancing with anyone and everyone. It was great to see everyone having such a great time. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.

(also our first dance was nothing thrilling to see- we basically walked around in circles to Crazy Love by Van Morrison)

A quick word about our DJs-Jodi and Larry Moore- they were awesome! We actually went to high school with their sons. I worked with Jodi through phone calls to plan the outline of the day, and she was really helpful and brought up a lot of things I hadn't thought about. On the actual day they played a great selection of songs. To be honest, I probably would have been happy as long as they played Will You be There (which they did!). At the end of the night they had a little dance break themselves!

leading us in Thriller
Pittsburgh folks!

Sheridyn and sister hair dance-off

all photos by Jana Scott Photography

- Mrs. M


  1. Your photographer got some great shots of your guests Sarah! And a great DJ always makes for a fun reception. So glad you liked yours :)

    Thanks for linking up today my dear!


  2. these are some GREAT photos..especially the thriller one! :)

  3. oh my goodness, SO fun! glad we're not the only ones who won't have a fancy first dance... hehe :)
