Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dinner with a Few Old Men

Life of Love
If you could have dinner with any five people, who would they be?

I came up with my list largely with my husband in mind, as obviously he would be one of the five. I thought of some folks that we would both be interested in chatting and eating with, and apparently we have a thing for older men with facial hair. 

Theodore Roosevelt and Charles Darwin
Kyle (I didn't have a cool, intense black and white photo of him, and he is not an old man, otherwise he would fit right in!) and Liam Neeson

and, Mystery Family Member

Teddy Roosevelt is one of Kyle's favorites. Kyle knows much more about him than I do, but when his list of achievements include hunter, soldier, naturalist, author, explorer, and president of the United States, I am not surprised that Kyle is fascinated by him. I think he would be an extremely interesting person to talk to. Charles Darwin is a no-brainer for us. I love evolution, talking about it, learning about, getting frustrated when people don't believe in it (it's not even something to believe in or not, it's, you know, fact). I would love love love to chat with Darwin about it. I hope he would be pleased that we named our cat after him. Liam Neeson is on this list because I figured I should have one movie/music star, and Liam Neeson is awesome. He has his own genre of movies (called "Liam Neeson movies") and an awesome accent, so that is good enough for me. The last person I'd like to have to dinner would be someone whose name I don't know, a person I really don't know anything about, because I don't know who they are. My mom was adopted and my curiosity about her and half of my biological family has been on the rise. I am half black (mom) and half white (dad), and I know that the Havilands (my maiden name) ended up in Canada as they were loyalists during the revolution (I know I know, Independence Day just happened and I did in fact partake in festivities), but I know nothing of my other half. So I'd love for someone along the family line to come to dinner, and learn a little bit more about where I came from. 



  1. I adore Liam Neeson!! Great list. I just posted mine too!! =)

    Keep Shining,

  2. Total stranger here, yup. Love this: "(it's not even something to believe in or not, it's, you know, fact)"

    I wish I had a tee shirt that said: Evolution... You know, it's a fact.
